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Neatware Examples: Introduction
windowless, video, ...
Home : Last Update: Thu Jul 06 16:07:05 2000
  1. intro_window

    It loads media package first and then opens _window with a title and normal window. The origianla point of orgx and orgy is 0, 0. The window's width and height are 480, 320 respectively. window_ close the window. You can insert the commands in between them. Note, the attribute item in the _window command can take several lines. A string with space such as "Ladybug2000 Window" will attach the first character to the = symbol. The string after the # is the comment.

    	# load media package
    	package require media 1.0
    	# open window
    	_window {title=Ladybug2000 Window 
    	  border=normal orgx=0 orgy=0 width=480 height=320}
    	  # insert your commands

  2. intro_windowless

    It opens a window with the border attribute as windowless, so there is no title bar and border. The default value is normal. auto attribute is true will automatically close the window after the execution of the window_. Its default value is false. centre attribute has two parameters: the first is the window's width and the second is the window's height. The window will be showed in the center of the screen. window_ command in the last line will close the window and release the resources.

    The _video command will open a video with the file name after the name attribute. Note the / is used as directory separator to avoid writting double backslash \\. _play command starts to play video from first frame to the last frame. Finally, video_ command will close the video file.

    	package require media 1.0
    	# open borderless window
    	_window "title=Neatware Ladybug2000 
    	  border=windowless centre=480 320 auto=true"
    	  # open video and play
    	  _video {name=../Media/neat.mpg}

  3. intro_video

    It opens a video in the Media directory and play video from 5th frame to 50th frame.

    	package require media 1.0
    	_window {title=Ladybug2000 Video centre=480 320 auto=true}
    	  _video {name=../Media/neat.mpg}
    	    _play {from=5 to=50}

  4. intro_snap

    In this example, the _snap command opens an image file default.png in the Media directory. Later it is possible to use the snapped image as an input of transform. _snap represents the idea of snapshot. If there is no attribute it will snap the current frame of a video.

    	package require media 1.0
    	_window {title=Ladybug2000 Image centre=480 320 auto=true}
    	  _snap {image=../Media/default.png}
    	  # insert your commands here

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Home : Last Update: Thu Jul 06 16:07:05 2000
windowless, video, ...
Neatware Examples: Introduction
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