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Neatware Examples: Playback
play_single, group, fullscreen, ...
Home : Last Update: Thu Jul 06 16:07:24 2000
  1. play_single

    It opens a single video with name neat.mpg and play it.

    	package require media 1.0
    	_window {title=Ladybug2000 Playback centre=480 320}
    	  _video {name=../Media/neat.mpg}

  2. play_single_loop

    It plays the video repeatly. The while (1) command is a forevery loop. _rewind command moves the video header to the starting position.

    	package require media 1.0
    	_window {title=Ladybug2000 Single Loop centre=480 240}
    	  _video {name=../Media/neat.mpg}
    	    while {1} {

  3. play_group

    This code sets ls to be a list of video files. foreach command picks up each element e from the list ls and substitutes it in the name attribute of the _video. The $ls represents the value of the ls.

    	package require media 1.0
    	set ls {"../Media/neat.mpg" "../Media/neat.mpg"}
    	_window {title=Ladybug2000 Group centre=480 240}
    	  foreach e $ls {
    	    _video "name=$e"

  4. play_group_loop

    This code plays a list of video files from beginning to the end. And then it plays the group of video files repeatly.

    	package require media 1.0
    	set ls {"../Media/neat.mpg" "../Media/neat.mpg"}
    	_window {title=Neatware Ladybug2000 width=480 height=240}
    	  while {1} {
    	    foreach e $ls {
    	      _video "name=$e"

  5. play_group_loop

    This code plays a list of video files from beginning to the end. And then it plays the group of video files repeatly.

    	package require media 1.0
    	set ls {"../Media/neat.mpg" "../Media/neat.mpg"}
    	_window {title=Neatware Ladybug2000 width=480 height=240}
    	  while {1} {
    	    foreach e $ls {
    	      _video "name=$e"

  6. play_single_step

    It uses the _step command to play video from frame 0 to the end. The for command sets the initial variable n as 0. When the value of n is less than the video length, it executes the _step command. The variable n increases 1 after each loop.

    	package require media 1.0
    	_window {title=Ladybug2000 Video centre=480 320 auto=true}
    	  _video {name=../Media/neat.mpg}
    	    # play from 0 to n
    	    for {set n 0} {$n < [?video length]} {incr n} {

  7. play_fullscreen

    This code plays the video in fullscreen. It is implemented simply by setting the window width and height as the screen width and height.

    	package require media 1.0
    	# get screen size
    	set w [?screen width]
    	set h [?screen height]
    	_window "title=Ladybug2000 Fullscreen 
    	  border=normal orgx=0 orgy=0 width=$w height=$h auto=true"
    	  _video {name=../Media/neat.mpg}

  8. play_group_enlarge

    This code shows how to change the window's size after the playback of a video. The expr command computes the math expression like the C language and returns the result. !window command modifies the title, orgx, orgy, width, and height.

    	package require media 1.0
    	set ls {"../Media/neat.mpg" "../Media/neat.mpg"}
    	_window {title=Ladybug2000 Group centre=480 240}
    	  # travse all the video file names
    	  foreach e $ls {
    	    _video "name=$e"
    	      # recalcuate the rectangle of window
    	      set rect [?window rect]
    	      set d 48
    	      set x [expr {[lindex $rect 0] - $d}]
    	      set y [expr {[lindex $rect 1] - $d}]
    	      set w [expr {[lindex $rect 2] - [lindex $rect 0] + 2*$d}]
    	      set h [expr {[lindex $rect 3] - [lindex $rect 1] + 2*$d}]
    	      # modify window
    	      !window "title=Ladybug2000 -- $e 
    	        orgx=$x orgy=$y width=$w height=$h"

  9. play_seek

    This code demonstrates the usage of the _seek command to set the video starting position in the middle of the video length.

    	package require media 1.0
    	set ls {../Media/neat.mpg}
    	_window {title=Neatware Ladybug2000 Seek centre=480 320}
    	  foreach e $ls {
    	    _video "name=$e"
    	      set frames [?video length]
    	      _seek "current=[expr $frames/2]"

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Home : Last Update: Thu Jul 06 16:07:24 2000
play_single, group, fullscreen, ...
Neatware Examples: Playback
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