Wipe transform sweps image B over the image A from left to right.
There are three rectangle regions: image B only on the left,
gradient region on the middle, and image A only on the right.
The gradient region is the rectangle mixing between image A and
B. The boundary between image A region and the gradient region
is called the leading edge. Similary, the boundary between the
image B region and the gradient region is called the trailing edge.
Its progress value is from 0.0 to 1.0, indicating how much of
the transition has been completed. The custome attribute of the
wipe transform grandient specifies what percentage of the toal
image width to use. It has the value from 0 to 100.
It makes an image progressively fade or disappear. For example, an image may be fade into a white.
MetaCreations Transform
These transforms are used to generate cinematic effects. Following are snapshots that are generated by Ladybug 2000. They are image transforms. Refer to "samples\transform\transform list.mcl" for script details.
3D Transform
It is the transform of a 3D mesh with the video.