Neatware Company

An ISV for Mobile, Cloud, and Video Technologies and Software.


Image is a digital picture with a format as BMP, PNG, JPEG. An image may be in the black and white, 4bit, 16bit, 24bit, or 32bit color. BMP is a uncompressed format on Windows; GIF and PNG are lossless compressed format; and JPEG is the lose compressed format.

Fade in and Fade out

In the following code a theme will display a list of images. A date text will be painted on an image through a transform.

package require media
package require mcllib

Load media and mcllib package.


open _mcl

set image_list 	{image001.jpg image002.jpg}
set text_list 	{
  "July 15, 2001" 
  "August 23, 2001"}
foreach e $image_list {
  lappend picture_list [getPath media image $e]

generate the list of full image path. getPath function is in the mcllib package. It joins a list of directory name to form a path. foreach command picks up every item from image_list as e and append to form a picture_list with full path.

_theme {
  title    "Ladybug Studio"
  orgx     0
  orgy     0
  width    352 
  height   240
  region   roundrect
  wcorner  20
  hcorner  20 
  mode     windowless}

open theme with round rect and windowless mode.

  set duration 	5000
  while {1} {

start loop, duration is the waiting seconds. 5000 means 5 seconds.

    for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $picture_list]} {incr i} {
      set word [lindex $text_list $i]
      set pict [lindex $picture_list $i]

get text from text_list and picture from picture_list.

      _image {name $pict}

open image with name stored in the variable $pict

        _text {string "$word" font Roman size 16 
               orgx 4 orgy [expr [?image height]-20] 
               fgcolor 0x000000}

open text with string in $word, font name "Roman", font size 16. [?image height] get the height of the opened image. expr computes the expression. fgcolor is the foreground color.

          _transform {name Fade progress 0.4}

open transform Fade with start progress value 0.4

             _graph {theme {transform image text}}
               graph show

use image and text as the inputs of transform, and the output of transform is linked to theme. "graph show" will display the picture. graph_ will close graph link.


close transform, text and image

       after $duration

wait $duration seconds


close theme and mcl