Theme is bright and gaudy. In the Ladybug StudioXP theme is a window on the desktop. A normal window is a rectangular theme. Other shapes of window may be a round rectangle, an ellipse, or a region specified by a mask bitmap. Unlike the normal window, a theme is windowless in usual, that is no title bar and frames on the boarder.
A theme is embedded in a rectangle which decides the position and size of the theme. A window theme may have a title and frames. Default theme includes rect, round rect, ellipse, and polygon. The third theme type is called region which can define any shape of a theme with a mask bitmap (a black and white image). You can select a transparent color and the area with the transparent color will be displayed as background.
package require media
_theme {title "Hello Ladybug Studio"
orgx 250 orgy 80 width 352 height 240
region window close false
wcorner 30 hcorner 30}
This example shows a normal window theme. The "package require media" opens Media Control Language (MCL) package. _mcl command will open MCL. In the MCL the _ prefix of an object usually means open an object and _ postfix of an object usually means close the object. The _theme opens a theme with the attribute pairs. The title attribute follows a string that will display on the title bar. orgx and orgy specifies the top-left position of the theme. And the width and height specifies the width and height of a theme. The region attribute may be one of the value of window, rect, roundrect, ellipse, or name of a bitmap file. If the close attribute is true the theme will be closed automatically. wcorner and hcorner are only valid for roundrect.
In the end theme_ command will close theme and mcl_ will close the mcl.