Neatware Company

An ISV for Mobile, Cloud, and Video Technologies and Software.


Matte is a procedure to composite two pictures. A black and white mask is shaped from one picture that the white area is transparent and the black area will show another picture.

1. The mask

Mask Picture

2. The video in a theme

Video in a theme

package require media
package require mcllib
_mcl {exit false}

open media and mcllib packages. That exit sets to false will not exit program when press ESC key. It usually used with the close as true in the _theme command.

set bmplist {mask100.bmp mask101.bmp mask102.bmp 
  mask103.bmp mask104.bmp mask105.bmp mask106.bmp
  mask107.bmp mask108.bmp}

set bitmap list

foreach e $bmplist {
  lappend masklist [getPath media matte $e]

create a masklist from a bitmap list by appending the path

foreach e $masklist {
  _theme {
    title       "Ladybug Studio XP"
    orgx        250
    orgy        90
    width	       640
    height      480
    keyboard    enable
    close       true
    region      "$e"
    mode        windowless
    transparent 0xfefefe
    tolerance   0xffffff
    wcorner     20
    hcorner     20

create a theme with the mask bitmap in region attribute and close it automatically.

    after 3000

open theme for 3 seconds and then close it.


close mcl