15. Application
application is the root of other objects. You can think it as a game environment. vertex object is an instance of vertex shader; pixel object is an instance of pixel shader; and texture is an instance of texture shader. The mesh object inherits from the application deals with the mesh procecessing. The vbuufer and ibuffer handle the vertex buffer and the index buffer. Finally, the light and material objects work for the lights and materials in the fixed-function shaders.
set app [$app application] creates an application object with the variable name app. You can use $app to call functions for the object. $app create will create a window with default position, size, and title. $app run starts running program in the windows message loop. $app release will release the resource of the application instance. $app version vertex major minor sets the required vertex version with major and minor.
Application commads include:
- $app
create this fullscreen
- $app create this window maximize
- $app create this window size x y width height
creates an application object inside a class with this variable. If the fullscreen parameter is added this command creates a window in fullscreen initially. The window parameter specifies the window as maximize or as the size in the x, y position with width and height.
- $app release
release application object.
- $app
starts to execute application object and enters the message loop.
Vertex and pixel shader commands include:
creates a vertex shader with arguments ??
$app decl
creates vertex declaration with arguments ??
$app version [vertex|pixel] major minor
sets required vertex or pixel shader version
$app vconst
sets vertex constant
$app vconsti
sets vertex constant to integer
$app vconstf
sets vertex constant to integer
$app pixel
creates pixel shader with arguments ??
$app pconst
sets pixel shader constant ??
$app pconsti
sets integer pixel shader constant
$app pconstf
sets float pixel shader constant.
Creates texture commands
- $app texture
creates texture with arguments ??
- $app
actives video texture
Creates mesh, effect, envmap, and graph
creates mesh with arguments ??
$app effect
creates effect with arguments ??
$app envmap
creates environment map with arguments ??
$app graph
creates graph with arguments
Creates vertex and index buffer
creates vertex buffer
$app ibuffer
creates index buffer
Creates other objects
creates arcball object
$app font name size style
creates a font object with font name, size and style. The style can be enum bold, italic, or zenable.
$app dialog file [fname] [initdir] [filter]
returns file path name from a file dialog box. fname is the initial file naem, initdir is the initial directory, and filter is the filter string of the file. The default file name is default.
The default initial directory is ".". The default filter is "All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0".
$app keyboard active mView
initializes keyboard control to the matrix mView.
$app keyboard active mView
gets the new view matrix mView.
- $app
some video card require D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2 capability, that is a texture must have widths and heights specified as powers of two. So the texture addressing over (u, v) should have a new value fTU instead of 1.0.
some video card require D3DPTEXTURECAPS_POW2 capability, that is a texture must have widths and heights specified as powers of two. So the texture addressing over (u, v) should have a new value fTV instead of 1.0.
returns the string of frame stats
returns the string of device stats
- $app
returns elapsed time
- $app
returns tick count number
- $app
getTransform type m
gets transform matrix and stores to m. Type can be view, projection, world, texture0-7.
- $app
setTransform type m
sets transform matrix by m. Type can be view, projection, world, texture0-7.
- $app
setRenderState state value
sets render state. State can be any element of the D3DRENDERSTATETYPE type.
- $app
setSamplerState sampler type value
sets texture sampler states. Sampler is The sampler stage index. Type can be addressu, addressv, addressw, bordercolor, magfilter, minfilter, mipfilter, mipmaplodbias, maxmip-level, maxanisotropy, srgbtexture, elementindex, and dmapoffset. The value is upto the type setting.
- $app
setTextureStageState stage type value
sets texture stage state. Stage is the identifier of the texture. It is in the range from 0 to 7. Type indicates the texture state D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE to be set. Value is the state value upto the type parameter.
- $app
clear flags color z stencil
clears the viewport to a specified color, and/or the depth buffer, and/or the stencil buffer. Flags can be combination of the list {target zbuffer stencil} which indicates what buffer will be erased. z is in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. And stencil is in the range from 0 to 2^n-1, where n is the bit depth of the stencil buffer.
- $app
starts scene
- $app
drawIndexedPrimitive type baseIndex minIndex numVertices startIndex primitiveCount
renders indexed primitive. The type can be pointlist, linelist, linestrip, trianglelist, trianglestrip, or trianglefan. BaseIndex is the offset of the first vertex index. MinIndex is the minimum vertex index used in this render. NumVertices is the number of vertices. StartIndex is the starting location to render the vertices. PrimitiveCount is the number of primitives to render.
- $app
drawPrimitive type startIndex primitiveCount
renders primitive. StartIndex is the starting location to render the vertices. PrimitiveCount is the number of primitives to render.
- $app
returns true if show help key F1 is pressed ok otherwise returns false.
- $app
ends a scene