13. Graph and Video
You can add a graph object into a mCL shader in below. A graph can be an avi video, a mp3 audio, or a jpeg picture.
In the shader class declares a graph variable graph
variable graph
- In InitDeviceObjects method of the shader class inserts lines
set userid 0xACDCADCD
set filename [$app dialog file "*.mp3" $initfolder]
set graph [$app graph $filename $userid]
You may set fixed file name string without using the open file dialog box. The $app graph command creates a graph object gh with filename and userid. The userid is a 32-bit integer.
- In the RestoreDeviceObjects method inserts following line that starts the graph.
$graph start
- In the InvalidateDeviceObjects method inserts following line that ends the graph.
$graph end
- In the DeleteDeviceObjects method inserts following line that free the graph.
$graph release
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