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Runtime and Applications

    Database | Java | COM | GUI | Multimedia | Network | Data Mining | Web Services | xWizard
    Expect | SQA | LabVIEW | SAS | EDA | Itanium


  1. Database

  2. In MyrmecoX you can use Oracle database through Oratcl connector and other database such as DB2, SQL Server, and Access through ODBC connector. You can integrate the database, Java, and extensions within an application.

    • Oracle
    • Oratcl connector oratcl is a special extension for ORACLE database in MyrmecoX. It allows you use special features of Oracle.

      Oratcl Examples

    • ODBC
    • You can connect to any database with ODBC driver with ODBC connector tclodbc in MyrmecoX. Since almost all the database like Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, and MySQL support ODBC under Windows, you can use ODBC connector to access these database.

      ODBC Examples

  3. Java

  4. You can use Java classes with the help of tclblend in MyrmecoX.

    Java Examples

  5. COM

  6. COM is a Microsoft standard for the components on Windows. Many Windows applications such as Excel and Word provide COM Automation which allows third party developers to use the functions in them. There are many COM components available as well and you can use them to construct large applications. MyrmecoX includes tcom which is an COM connector to allow you use COM components.

    COM Examples

  7. GUI

  8. MyrmecoX supports TK for rapid and dynamic GUI development for cross platforms. BLT extension in MyrmecoX will help you generate wonderful and zoomable graph, barchart, and other curves for EDA and CAD applications. BWIDGETS extension allows you use advanced widgets in MyrmecoX. Finally ITCL and IWIDGETS may help you develop GUI applications in object-oriented organization.

    GUI Samples

  9. Multimedia

  10. MyrmecoX integrated TclMagick and ImageMagick for image processing with Tcl. ImageMagick can convert image formats; resize, rotate, or add special effects to an image; build a thumbnail, transparent, and animation GIF image; draw text or objects over an image.

    You need to download and install ImageMagick and GhostScript to use the TclMagick.

    TclMagick Examples

  11. Network

  12. MyrmecoX provides powerful support for the development of client/server applications through network. The Execute wish item in the Build menu allows you run several clients and servers. The TCP/IP and Socket support in the Tcl makes you develop and test network applications easily and rapaidly.

    Network Examples

  13. Web Services

  14. You can use Web Services and provide a Web Services by using the SOAP package in the MyrmecoX.

    Web Services Examples

  15. Itanium®

  16. Intel® Itanium® is the 64-bit processor which could run Windows and Liunx/Unix applications. Its EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing) architecture, fast floating point computing, and 64-bit memory addressing found a solid hardware platform for the demands of large applications in the future.

    Itanium® 2, the second-generation of Itanium® family, boost performance by 50 to 100 for existing first-generation Itanium applications. Itanium® 2 delivers performance improvements through 3x increase bandwidth of system bus to 6.4GB/s, 3MB L3 on-die cache, increased core frequency to 1GHz. It is also binary compatibile with first-generation Itanium® software.

    Intel's chipset E8870 will support 2-way and 4-way Itanium servers. Other vendors such as HP and IBM will provide chipsets to support 32-way or more supoort of multiple processors. Itanium-based platforms will run on a variety of Operating Systems such as Windows, Linux, and Unix.

    Read the ARTICLE on Intel website about the MyrmecoX applications on Intel's Itanium processor.

    Itanium Examples

  17. Data Mining

  18. Data Mining searches valuable information from large amount of data

    Most of Data Mining vendors help businesses find information out of their databases. Neatware's MyrmecoX Studio helps businesses to dig information from unstructural data such as files, emails, and biomedical data.

    MyrmecoX supports large file processing for 64-bit processor and operating system, it can deal with biotech files, financial files, and media files over 2GB. The powerful and fast regular expression allows scripts to find the valuable patterns within MyrmecoX. The (Memory Mapping File) MMF Package allows very fast file processing inside the memory.

    Large File Processing

    TCL for EDA site shows some scripts for Tcl applications on Verilog and Synopsys.

  19. xWizard

  20. xWizard 1.0 has been released two years ago. It has showed great interest from many developers. The new xWizard 2.0 is a GUI version that allows anybody to generate a Tcl extension. xWizard aimed at the ease of the integration between Tcl and C.

    xWizard Usage and Download


  1. Expect

  2. Expect is a tool for administration and testing automation such as telnet, ftp, and password. The Expect in the MyrmecoX worked better on Windows NT, 2000, and XP platforms.

    • Test Automation
    • By using tcltest package you can complete regression test for Java or other C++ packages. You can rapidly develop testing code under the MyrmecoX to test serial port, Ethernet card, DSL/cable modem and other network devices. MyrmecoX can also help developers to test switch, router, and embedded systems automatically.

      "Tcl, is a secret weapon used by large network hardware corporations to test their devices." by Michael J. Norton, Cisco Corp.

    • Administaration Automation
    • You may use MyrmecoX to write and test scripts that complete the tasks of administarator. For example, you can write expect scripts to automating the configuration Cisco routers and switches under the MyrmecoX in your notebook. So you can do remote and mobile configuration and testing.

    • A Simple Example
    • This Expect example shows how to launch several Notepad programs, gets process id, waits for seconds, and then closes all processes. You can edit following code and execute Run expect item under the Build menu. It shows the potential to integrate your applications with Expect under MyrmecoX.

      Expect Examples

  3. Software Quality Assurance (SQA)

    Tcl is excellent for Software Quality Assurance (SQA). By using tcltest package programmers can write their testing scripts rapidly under MyrmecoX for device, network, unit, regression, and stree testing. Below is a code clip for the use of tcltest.

    SQA Details

  4. EDA

    TCL is widely used for customizing and controlling EDA tools. MyrmecoX IDE provides a rapid development environment for EDA applications.

  5. LabVIEW

  6. In MyrmecoX developers can use LabView along with Tcl. So developers can integrate automated test programs of LabView with Tcl scripts. In this way LabView provides widely available drivers and Tcl with MyrmecoX provides flexible and powerful tools. Another application is to use LabView/CVI and spawn Expect script to handle responses. Tcl is a way for LabView automation.

    LabVIEW Details

  7. SAS

  8. SAS is a software package for statistics. It provides an ActiveX automation server that allows Tcl access its services.

    SAS Examples
