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Ladybug Mixer
   §  Introduction
   §  Architecture
   §  Document (PDF)
   §  FAQ
   §  Versions

   §  Video Processing
   §  Video Presentation
   §  Digital Signage
   §  Video Jockey VJ
   §  Surveillance
   §  Home Theater
   §  Screen Wall
   §  Stream Computing

   §  Configuration
   §  Script Control
   §  Download Demo

Scrtipts for Automation

AutoIt is a BASIC-like scripting language for automation of Windows GUI. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate interactive tasks. Inside an IDE AutoIt can generate small, self-contained, and compiled executables.

In Windows Server 2008, Microsoft created a new scripting language called Power Shell for adminatration. Although Power Shell can work on XP and Vista, it is not good at GUI automation. Another GUI automation package is Perl's GUITest. In contrast to AutoIt, few developers know Perl language vs. Basic.


Now lets look at examples how to control Ladybug Mixer with AutoIt. The examples look complicated at first glance, but they are simple if you know Basic language. We tried to make examples as complete as possible. So users can apply actual skills and tips in their own applications.

  1. Shader Showcase
  2. Define a function and call it in a main program

    Func ShaderShowcase()

    Launch "Ladybug Mixer.exe". You may modify the path in your installation path.

    	Run("C:\Program Files\Neatware\Ladybug Mixer Standard\host\Ladybug Mixer.exe");

    Wait window with title "Ladybug Mixer Standard" to become active

    	WinWaitActive("Ladybug Mixer Standard");

    Set relative coords to the client area of the active window, the value is 2. This allows you to know the location of controls.

    	Opt( "MouseCoordMode", 2 );

    Move mouse to shader list in (64, 140) and set shader list as focus by clicking left button.

    	MouseMove( 64, 140 );
    	MouseClick( "left" );

    To hide mouse cursor moving mouse out of the screen. size is an array variable with width in $size[0] and height in $size[1].

    	$size = WinGetClientSize("Ladybug Mixer Standard");
    	MouseMove( $size[0]+32, $size[1]+32 );

    Move arrow to HOME to select first item and start to play by press F2 key. Then wait 2 seconds. In Ladybug Mixer Standard default keys, F1 is for help, F2 is for play/pause all, F3 is for stop all, F11 is for .nwm file saving. And the ALT+Enter key is for fullscreen switching. To exit program you can press ESC key.

    	Sleep( 2000 );

    Select item by moving arrow key down then wait 2 seconds to travse entire shader list.

    	For $i = 0 to 32 Step 1
    		Send( "{DOWN}" );
    		Sleep( 2000 );

    Terminate Ladybug Mixer Standard. EndFunc is the declaration of function ending.

    	Send( "{ESC}" );

    Call ShaderShowcase function



  3. Photo Slideshow
  4. To create a slideshow, you can load a series of jpeg pictures in channel 1. You can select more than one jpeg files in Open File Dialog Box by pressing SHIFT Key + Arrow Key. Then select a background video in channel 2. Back to channel 1, you may select an effect by mouse in the shader list. At this time you can preview your slidershow by clicking N button. When you feel satisfied you can press ESC key to exit Ladybug Mixer. The default nwm configure file will be saved.

    To try AutoIt .au3 code you need to install AutoIt but you can run the sample's .exe code without installing AutoIt. Simple click .au3 or .exe file it will launch Ladybug Mixer Stnadard and show your slideshow. Note: Do not move mouse away from the N button it will make N button click invalid. You may modify Sleep(5000) that is waiting for 5 seconds to another interval time.

    launch Ladybug Mixer Standard in function Slideshow. AutoIt code or exe must be put in the bin directory that Ladybug Mixer.exe is located.

    Func Slideshow()
    	Run("Ladybug Mixer.exe");

    wait "Ladybug Mixer Standard" window to become active

    	WinWaitActive( "Ladybug Mixer Standard" );

    set relative coords to the client area of the active window

    	Opt( "MouseCoordMode", 2 );

    wait window to active


    move mouse to N button for next picture $size[0] is width, $size[1] is height

    	$size = WinGetClientSize("Ladybug Mixer Standard");
    	MouseMove( 160, $size[1]-90 );

    wait 5 seconds to next photo

    	While True
    		If WinActivate("Ladybug Mixer Standard", "") = 0 Then Exit;
    		MouseClick( "left" );

    call Slideshow function

