Neatware  Header


    WML is an XML application for mobile and wireless Internet.

  1. Head

    A Snaml for Java/WML deck will generate an XML document. Following XML declaration and doctype methods must be in the front of a Snaml for Java/WML deck.

    __pi( "xml version='1.0'" );
    __doctype( " wml PUBLIC '-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN'" 
             + "" );
  2. WML

    _wml method defines a deck and its content which may be head, template, or card methods. For example,

    _wml( "xml:lang='en-us'" );
      head ?
      template ? 
      card +

    The symbol "head ?" means that only one head method is allowed. The "card +" means that there may have more than one cards in sequence.