COM Examples
Below examples demonstrate how to launch a Windows application and control them.
package require tcom
create an IE object app, set it visible, and navigate it.
set app [::tcom::ref createobject \\
$app Visible 1; $app Navigate ""
release app object
::tcom::release $app
Use Windows Script Hosting
This example demonstrates how to use WSH to control the action of the Calculator. load tcom, close Tk window, and hide the errors.
package require tcom
catch {wm withdraw .}
open WinShell object and run Calculator program in windows.
set wshell [::tcom::ref createobject WScript.Shell]
$wshell Run "calc"
active Calculator, wait 2 seconds, input digital 9, /, and 7, and see the result.
$wshell AppActivate "Calculator"; after 2000
$wshell SendKeys "9{/}"; after 2000
$wshell SendKeys "7"; after 2000
$wshell SendKeys "~"; after 2000
$wshell SendKeys "%\\"
close object
::tcom::release $wshell