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Snaml Theatre

Snaml Theatre is a media center for mobile devices of Windows 8 with great user experience. Designed by cross carousel-style media navigator, the media of Snaml Theatre is organized in 2-dimensional data model with 3D perspective views around a resumable media player.

Simply swiping left and right you can quickly preview a list of streams in a title. Beyond regular one dimensional structure, you can swipe up and down to select titles smoothly. Amazing is that you can always press down one of arrow key to scan videos like a fast slideshow as an advanced technology demonstration.

Moreover, each media is smart to remember the last position of playback, so it is possible for you to watch multiple video titles in resumable.

  • A Stream is a local or remote media which may be a video clip, a music, or a picture.

  • A Chapter is a group of Streams linked in a ring.

  • A Title is a stack of Chapters linked in a circle.

  • A Library is a collection of Titles.

  • A Cross Carousel is the view point with a center view around four subviews.

Snaml Theatre allows you to Add and Exchange a stream in any one of four neighbours. In left or right, you can add a stream in previous or next of current stream. The added stream then will be in the current view. In up or down, the added stream creates a new chapter with one stream in previous or next current chapter. Delete is to remove current stream from current chapter. Exchange is to swap the relative position of a stream or a chapter.

Video can be watched in fullscreen, filled/snapped, and normal mode. Two finger pitch toggles between normal and fullscreen mode. You can use touch, mouse, and keyboard to control media playback.

PlayTo is the function to stream video from mobile table to TV screen with an adaptor like XBOX.

Finally multiple sources of stream are recognized such as

  • local file system

  • cloud storage like SkyDrive and Facebook

  • network storage like NAS

  • camera video and picture

Key Features

  • Snaml Engine
    • Organize Title as Chapters and Streams on Snaml Doughnut model

    • Instant Swipe and Play in 4-Way Navigation

    • Resume-able Stream Playback over Media Surface

  • Perspective UI
    • Multiple View Windows with AppBar for Easy Media Playback

    • View on Normal, Fullscreen, and Filled/Snapped Mode

    • Two Finger Pitch Switch between Normal and Fullscreen Display

    • Support Various Screen Resolutions and Size

    • Work with Touch, Mouse, and Gesture Inputs

  • Title and Stream Organization
    • Open and Save Snaml Title in File Storage

    • Add, Delete, or Exchange Streams in a Snaml Title

    • Reset to Launch from Original Snaml Title

  • Remote Play and Cloud Media
    • Stream PlayTo Media on Another Device over Network

    • Stream Play Duplicate onto Second Screen via HDMI Cable

    • Open and Display Photos in your Facebook and SkyDrive

    • Native Windows 8 Modern UI Application

  • Applications

    • Mobile Home Theatre

      Running on Windows 8 Ultrabook, Tablet, or Phone, Snaml Theatre can deliver Mobile Home Theatre experience through a network connected to a Receiver, a NAS and linked to a LCD Screen, a Projector, and Surround Sound Speakers.

    • Digital Signage

      By using PlayTo video on a tablet or a notebook can be displayed on the large screen. A small mobile device can control Digital Signage Display in wireless WiFi.


    Snaml Theatre has one central view surrounded by four 3D perspective views. Left view shows Stream Previous; Right view shows Stream Next; Up view shows Chapter Previous; Down view shows Chapter Next.

    AppBar top displays the title name and status information. AppBar bottom includes Title, Add, Delete, Exchange, and Navigate buttons for title and stream operations as well as Play and Fullscreen buttons for control.

    You can swipe left, right, up, and down to bring Stream (Next/Previous) and Chapter (Next/Previous) to current view. You can also apply two finger zoom to Fullscreen and pitch to return. By tapping on the central view window, you can toggle current video playback between play and pause. When you click Navigate button in AppBar bottom, you can select the similar operations as swipe by mouse.

    Snaml Theatre allows you to add new media on the previous or next current stream. It can also allows you to add a new Chapter in previous or next current chapter. To do this click Add button and select a media from FileOpenPicker dialog. You can also remove current item by clicking Delete button.

    Snaml Theatre allows you to exchange the position between current item and stream previous/next or exchange position between current chapter and chapter previous/next.


    This is a Trial and Buy software. Users can run Snaml Theatre in Trial for 30 days under Full version. After 30 days, user can still run under the Lite version, in which some functions are disabled like open/save/reset Snaml Title and Fullscreen. User can buy Snaml Theatre at anytime and upgrade to a Full version. All functions will be enabled and extra messages will be removed.